Sunday, December 09, 2007


Contemplation, originally uploaded by karma1410.

Karma Kitty is deep in thought...


This is an older photo of Will at about 7 months.

I found this when I was uploading some of my photos to Flickr and just couldn't resist adding it here. He looks so peaceful fast asleep in his stroller.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

The Cat's Whiskers

The Cat's Whiskers, originally uploaded by karma1410.

The first photo from my new Panasonic DMC-FZ18 camera. I can't wait for a chance to really test it out!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Yet another diet...

So this time it's Slimming World, even though I don't live in the UK. Slimming World works on the basis of red days (higher in protein), green days (higher in carbohydrates), healthy extras (to balance each day and ensure good nutrition) and syns (for all the little extras like chocolate, sauces, condiments...basically anything that isn't a "free" food or healthy extra). I won't explain it all here as there are so many websites that do that so much better than I could.

All I can say is that after 2 1/2 weeks I have lost 2.4 kilograms without ever feeling hungry or deprived. It simpy is the easiest program, although not the easiest if you live outside the UK I must say. As I don't have access to the syns values, healthy extras lists and free foods for Australian brands, there is no question that a little extra guesswork is required. Not to worry though as it seems to be working very well so far.

I also had a Polar F55 Heart Rate Monitor delivered today in an effort to really get myself organised with my walking and overall fitness. It's been an expensive week all round as I also needed new runners. Given the issues that I have as a result of my flat feet and tendency to roll my feet in when I walk, it was really important to get the right type of shoe. The salesgirl at Athlete's Foot helped me out with their special analysis machine and recommended a few pairs to try. I settled on the Brooks Ariel and after some extensive research on the net when I got home, I was happy to learn that I had bought the best shoe on the market for my feet issues. Happy, happy girl!

So I am all set to get fit, healthy and slim. I'm aiming for 3 hours walking per week across 4 walks. This is based on the program put together for me by the Polar HRM, which I took out for a trial today. Love it, love it, love it! It really opened my eyes to just how much I was "in the dark" with my walking program and it has given me a whole new focus. We'll walk to the school to vote tomorrow and then complete a 40 minute walk after that. At this stage, I'm also thinking a day of walking around the Melbourne Zoo on Sunday might be a great way to slip in some extra exercise for the week. Let's hope that the weather stays nice.

For all those Lite N Easy fans, I recommended Lite N Easy to my sister on the Gold Coast. She is determined to lose weight before her wedding in September so she decided to give it a try. She's been on the program for a few weeks now and is consistently losing weight without any problems, so it's definitely worth a try. I'm sure I'll give it another go soon but for the moment, this Slimming World program is working for me.

On a separate not, a very big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my baby nephew Kai. I hope you had the very bestest of birthdays today!!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Will and Tigger dancing.

Look at me! Look at me!

Beach fun!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

More Jeans for Genes photos...because I just can't resist!

Jeans for Genes Day photos...stay tuned for more!

These pics were taken for the Jeans for Genes Day competition. How cute!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Where does he learn these things?

Oooohhhh....I see!

On the road again...

So I'm almost one full week back into Lite N Easy. I had about three weeks off all together whilst I was in Qld and I ended up back at 72.2kg. I was really happy with that as I ate anything and everything that I wanted whilst I was away, so I can't complain.

So I started again last Friday and I have lost 1.3kg already, with two more days still to go this week. That brings me back to 70.9kg, only .9kg off the lowest weight that I had reached on the day before I left for the trip. Hopefully it won't be long until I'm under 70kg and burning through the 60's!!

For anyone who's thinking about trying Lite N Easy, it really does work!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Dummy anyone?

I just can't sleep without my dummy, a bottle and a sipper cup!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

You won't be able to miss me now!

The new signage on the car looks fantastic. A big thanks to Luke at Signs & Designs in Frankston South.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Time passes so quickly!

It's hard to believe that today is the last day of Week 9 on Lite N Easy! That means another official weigh in tomorrow.

I was down to 71.5kg this morning, which means a total loss of 4.2kg since I started 9 weeks ago. I'm really pleased with the result so far and I look and feel so much healthier already. My clothes fit much better and I can look in the mirror without feeling really awful about what I see. Instead, I feel quite proud of what I have achieved so far, and excited about the prospect of finally being under 70kg soon.

I think I'll aim for about 65kg and then re-evaluate when I get close to that. Being at the bottom end of a size 12 would be fine with me. Whilst being a size 8 and 52 kg may have been fine when I was 24, at 34 I would look just too thin. In fact, if I was honest with myself, even at 24 I looked too thin at 52kg. Not to mention the amount of work and vigilance that would be required to maintain that thanks!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Business Referral Program - Receive a $150 gift card from the Australian Retailer of your choice!*

Would you like to receive a $150 Gift Card from the Australian Retailer of your choice?

For each successful referral of a business requiring staff to the Melbourne Central Branch of Australian Recruiting, you could receive a $150 Gift Card!*

* The following conditions apply:

1. The business referred must be a new client that has not dealt with Australian Recruiting previously. The referred business or the referrer must provide a letter signed by the referrer providing the name, address and contact telephone number of the person referring the business, as well as the name of the business being referred.

2. The referral must result in a candidate being placed with the referred business on a permanent full time contract for an intended period of at least 12 months.

3. The candidate must remain employed with the referred business for a minimum of three months (as per the three month guarantee period contained in the Terms of Business). In the event that the candidate leaves within this time or the position is no longer available, the gift card will not be payable.

4. Gift Cards will only be payable if the referred business pays the invoiced placement fee within 14 days of invoice as required by the signed Terms of Business.

5. Gift Cards will not be mailed to the successful referrer until a period of three months after the successful placement to ensure compliance with the above conditions has been satisfied.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

"Somewhere Over The Rainbow - Conny Talbot on Britain's Got Talent

Is this a case of "A Star Is Born"? Britain's Got Talent contestant Conny Talbot melted even the toughest judge with her angelic voice and beautiful smile.

Paul Potts sings "Nessum Dorma" on Britain's Got Talent

What an amazing voice! This one gave me chills! Watch Paul Potts sing "Nessum Dorma" on Britain's Got Talent.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Another Lite N Easy Update

Today I started Week 7 on Lite N Easy. It's hard to believe that it has been six full weeks so far. I'm definitely in a routine, which to be honest can be both good and bad. The routine can definitely create boredom however it also keeps everything pretty simple. I'm still loving the dinners and the Sweet Beef Curry, Satay Chicken, Oriental Beef and Beef Stroganoff are some of my favorites.

So how much have I lost? Certainly not as much as I would have hoped, but still a very respectable 3.2kg as of this morning's weigh in. Given that I have not done any exercise at all during that time, it really is a good result. The weight loss has certainly slowed down though, with a loss of only 200grams this week. I really need to get out and exercise but it is so dark and cold by the end of the working day that walking really isn't an option. Might be time to consider using a gym.

Today's gratitude list...

1. A great cut and color by my hairdresser in Ivanhoe. She's fantastic!!

2. More great leads from the lead generation campaign.

3. Another week on Lite N Easy completed successfully.

4. Fresh, clean sheets on my bed.

5. Time to watch my favorite TV shows. Aaahh, relaxation...

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Things to be thankful for today.

1. Watching the Secret again and reminding myself that I am in control of my future.

2. Winning at auction the phone number that I had hoped to use on the new car signage (1300 4 TOP STAFF)

3. The external Lead Generation program getting underway today to bring in new and exciting clients.

4. Yummy Lite N Easy meals that help me to stay healthy and lose weight.

5. Sleeping in this morning!!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Getting a little bored....

I'm well into Week 4 on Lite and Easy now and at my weigh in on Friday morning I had lost another .3kg, bringing me to 73.3kg.

The weight loss has definitely slowed down but I am proud to say that my resolve has not crumbled. I have not touched any junk food since starting, not even a single piece of chocolate, and chocolate was a daily indulgence before Lite N Easy. Other than the two meals out that were outside my control, I have stuck rigidly to the program in order to give myself the best opportunity of success. I am getting a little bored though...there are only so many times that you can have a "small bread roll" as a snack. Thankfully the dinners are truly delicious, so the thought of a delicious dinner each night gets me through the day!

Exercise is definitely the missing link and I really need to get motivated and get out walking. It will push the weight loss along much more quickly, not to mention the obvious health benefits. I just find it so hard to get excited about walking but I know in the long run it will be worth the effort.

Anyway, enough for now. It's after midnight and I think it might be time for some zzzzzz's.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

A special moment...

Baby Kai and Nanny have a little cuddle. He loves his Nanny!

Cutie pie Kai

What an angel! This is an older photo of Kai but it's still one of my favorites.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Night, night kitty!

Sweet dreams xoxox

Sticking to it...

Dinner at a friend's house last night was really delicious. Savoury lamb shanks that just melted in my mouth, creamy mashed potato, beans, carrots and a really nice red wine to top it off. Mmmm, mmmmm!!

On the way home, my boyfriend decided that he was starving hungry and had to stop off at McDonald's drive thru for something to eat. I am so proud of myself! I didn't let my resolve crumble. I didn't order anything even though it meant smelling the cheeseburgers in the car all the way home. And it was so worth it...this morning I had lost a little more weight and I was right back on Lite N Easy, as motivated and determined as ever.

I'm really determined to do it right this time. It won't be quick but the variety in the food options is really helping me to avoid temptation. I haven't had chocolate cravings in more than two weeks and I'm starting to feel a little less hungry now. I guess my body must be slowly adjusting to the lower calories. I really feel like I'm going to succeed this time...I just need to keep my mind focused and remember all the benefits of a healthier, more attractive body. This time I'm sticking to it!!!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Today's Quote (Happiness)

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."

- Mahatma Gandhi

He's one cool kid!

Today's Quote (Success)

"If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all."

- Anna Quindlen

Friday, May 04, 2007

Two weeks in and still going strong!

In fact, today is the start of Week 3 on Lite N Easy and yes, I'm still going strong. Total weight loss as of this morning was 2.1kg! Not bad for two weeks. That brings me down from 75.7kg to 73.6kg.

I find that I start to feel better physically from about 72kg. Anything under that and I start to have more energy and I'm less tired. My clothes fit better and I feel better about myself overall. It's also a bit of a danger point though for exactly the same reasons. It's easier to lose motivation when you don't feel quite so bad about the weight that you're carrying.

I guess that's partly why I'm so determined to stick with Lite N Easy. Even if I start to lose motivation, the boundaries are clear...I can eat only what I am given and nothing more. There are no grey areas. There is no room to cheat. I cannot sneak some chocolate and kid myself that it really won't matter. It's black and white because either I'm on Lite N Easy or I'm not. It's too expensive to be half hearted on a delivery program of this nature.

It's been a hectic week from a work perspective so having everything prepared for me has made things so much easier. No need to think about food or what to have next...just heat and eat at the right time.

We're off to a friend's place for dinner tomorrow night so unfortunately that meal will be outside my control, but it's only one meal so it shouldn't have too much impact. I guess the proof will be in the pudding as they say ;-)

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

What a cutie!

Beautiful smiles must run in the family. Big brother William wants a photo too...

Smiley boy!

Latest pic of baby Kai from his Mum...he's just so cute!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

My Virtual Model - Before (75.7kg) & Target (60kg)

Getting skinnier by the day!

I bet the suspense is just killing you...what was the final weight loss for the week? I know, I know, it's keeping you awake at night and you just can't concentrate at work...

So time for the big reveal! Bit of an anti-climax really as although it was an absolutely FANTASTIC result, the official weigh in on Friday morning hadn't changed from the day before. Which means a whopping 1.5kg loss for the week, bringing me from a start weight of 75.7 down to 74.2. Woo Hoo!!

You could have knocked me over with a feather when I weighed myself this morning...another .3kg GONE!!! I'm now at 73.9 and I'm so incredibly happy with the results :-)

Lite N Easy really is so simple as there is very little to think about. You just eat what they give you and that's about it. The biggest challenge for me is that I'm a real night owl and I'm often up reading resumes and sending emails for my recruitment business well after midnight. Of course, that means that I tend to get really hungry as dinner may have been 4 or 5 hours earlier. I've realised now that I need to keep something aside for just before bed because I just can't sleep when I have a growling, hungry stomach. That may be why I'm a bit too hungry during the day as I have to space the food out to last me until late at night.

Being a little hungry hasn't been too unbearable but it does mess with my head a bit, particularly now that I'm on the second week. Today I feel like I want to rush out and buy some KFC and scoff down some chocolate!! The thing about Lite and Easy though is that you can't trick yourself. In the past I would have had some chocolate or M&Ms and convinced myself that I was still within the calorie limit for the day. Now I know that if I eat anything other than what has been provided to me, I am definitely over the 1500 calorie limit, so there's no way I can kid myself into thinking that I can eat extra food.

My sister and Dad will be in Melbourne tomorrow so that we can go out for lunch for her 30th birthday. I'm a little nervous as it will require a meal off the Lite N Easy program and I will have to adjust the rest of the day to accommodate for the extra food. I've decided to just have the Lite N Easy scheduled lunch for dinner and keep the extra frozen dinner for some other time, which should minimise the calorie impact. And I will definitely be trying to pick the healthiest thing on the menu, even though I would rather a big plate of chips!

I'll let you know how it goes..there may well be a battle of epic proportions raging in my head tomorrow!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Lite N Easy Update

Hard to believe, but I've lost 1.5kgs in the first 6 days! I'm looking forward to weighing myself officially tomorrow to see the final total for the week.

Have I been hungry at times on 1500 calories? Absolutely! It doesn't seem like quite enough food but then eating more is obviously what caused me to gain weight in the first place. It would be nice to get through the day without feeling quite so hungry between meals, however it's certainly working and that's what matters to me at the moment. At least I can be certain that it's a healthy and nutritious diet and I'm eating plenty of fruit and vegetables which I generally tend to avoid.

Let's see what tomorrow brings!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Starting over!

Yes, back on the weight loss path again! I started Lite N Easy again on Thursday after about three years since I last ordered from them. Even though I promised myself that I would wait at least one week before my first weigh in, I just couldn't resist this morning. To my surprise, 1.2 kg lost in only two day! Of course, most of that will be fluid loss but it's still a good feeling.

For the non-Aussies, Lite N Easy is a weight loss program where your breakfasts, lunches, dinners, fruit and snacks are delivered weekly and you just add skim milk for coffee, cereals etc. The food really is quite delicious (particularly the frozen dinners) and it is calorie controlled and full of the necessary nutrients for a healthy diet.

Of course, there are drawbacks and my biggest complaint is when the delivery is missing items for a particular day. That was the main reason that I stopped ordering from them last time. There were just too many errors in the packing of the orders and one week I ended up with completely mismatched orders that made it impossible to put together a week's worth of meals. Today I was missing the bread roll to put my smoked chicken and tomato on and I've noticed that I'm also missing yoghurt for later in the week. If they could get that right, it really would be a dieter's dream, albeit a little expensive if you need to use it for more than a few weeks.

On a separate note, Big Brother starts tonight. I know, I should be embarrassed to admit that I'm a Big Brother fan, but I really do enjoy watching it for some light entertainment. Hopefully this year's series is full of surprises and the people are really always adds to the entertainment value!

Anyway, that's enough from me. I'm off to heat up my dinner...I'm thinking either Satay Beef or Sausages with Onion Gravy. Yum!!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

If you're happy and you know it...

This is one of my favorite videos of my nephew William. It makes me smile every time I watch it :-)

Dancing Baby!

Little William practicing for the mosh pit before he could even walk!

Friday, April 13, 2007

I'm what?

dLook - Great New Aussie Business Search Site!

I've just signed up with a premium listing for Australian Recruiting - Melbourne Central Branch over at dLook .

dLook is a fantastic Aussie search engine that puts Australian businesses right at your fingertips. The site has fantastic discount coupons from many companies, as well as a super simple and effective quote request process. What more could you want?

You can check out my special dLook discount vouchers here if you need staff for your business. Even if you don't need staff but you know a company who does, we have a $100 Coles Ltd Gift Card referral voucher.

So all you Aussies, get on over to my listing on dLook and CHECK IT OUT!

(Meg over at Dipping Into The Blogpond is the one to speak to if you would like to know more!)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

What a show!!

I absolutely adore the makes me feel like a kid again! I was so lucky to be in the right place at the right time to take this photo and it's definitely one of my favorites.

Shanghai Temple

I found this photo on my other blog and it felt so peaceful and serene that I really wanted to share it. I took this photo at a Chinese temple in Shanghai on my last visit.

Words to live by...

"The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want and if they cannot find them, make them."

George Bernard Shaw

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Today's quote...

You'll never achieve real success unless you like what you're doing.
No one has ever succeeded in a line of endeavor which they did not like.

Your chances of success are directly proportional
to the degree of pleasure you derive from what you do.
If you're in a job you hate,
face the fact squarely and get out.

It's better to be a failure in something you love,
than attempting to be a success in something you don't.
Don't set compensation as a goal.
Find the work you love, and the compensation will follow.

The more you love what you are doing,
the more successful it will be for you.
©2005 by Max Steingart

Job Search Tip - Email Addresses

For exceptional staff, contact our Branch Manager at Australian Recruiting - Melbourne Central Branch.

  • It is important to be mindful of the suitability of the email address that you use for job applications.

  • Your email address is often the first thing that a prospective employer or recruitment consultant will see on your application and without a doubt…”First impressions DO count”!

  • is NEVER appropriate for a job application, no matter how funny it may sound to you!

  • If your personal email address is not appropriate or may create the wrong first impression, do not use it! If in doubt, sign up for a free email address with yahoo or hotmail.

  • Ensure that you provide the correct email address with your application. Email is often the first method of communication that may be used to clarify your application if required. If you provide incorrect information about yourself, no matter how innocent this error may be, it will be perceived as indicative of your level of attention to detail.

  • Always ensure that your email address remains current throughout the job search process. It is common for a consultant to receive email “bounce backs” from email accounts that are either full or no longer active. Keep in mind also that whilst you may not be successful with an initial application, the same agency may attempt to contact you at a later date should a more suitable position arise.

Copyright 2006 Talking Point Consulting Pty Ltd

Job Search Tip - Don't take it personally!!

For exceptional staff, contact our Branch Manager at Australian Recruiting - Melbourne Central Branch.

  • The search for suitable employment can be an emotional and sometimes lengthy process. It is important that you approach your search with a positive mindset and remain focused on the end goal irrespective of any perceived set backs.

  • Above all, remember that it is not personal! If you don’t get an interview for that fantastic position that you just know that you would be perfect for, it’s not a personal attack on your skills or previous experience. If you walk out of an interview sure that the job is yours, only to find that it was offered to someone else, dust yourself off and get right back on track! The right match is out there!

  • If you are unsuccessful, keep the process in perspective by reminding yourself that in this particular case, there may have been applicants with more experience or a specific skill set that the employer was particularly interested in. This does not mean that you are not good enough…it just means that you were less suitable than another applicant in this particular instance. Next time, it just might be you who will be more suitable!!

  • Many candidates underestimate the time and effort that may be required to secure a suitable role. Keep in mind that many factors may contribute to extend the process beyond your expectations. These factors may include salary expectations, location compatibility, educational requirements, skill sets, previous experience or personality fit to business amongst others.

Copyright 2006 Talking Point Consulting Pty Ltd

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Working hard!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Sunday, March 04, 2007

The sky's the limit!

The first photo was taken with my K800i mobile phone camera after dinner at TGI Friday in Doncaster, Victoria last night.

The second one was just for fun and was taken through the lounge room window.

Strange to think that it's the same sky...nature really is an amazing thing.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Possums, possums, everywhere...

These are pics of the possum family that visit our backyard every night. It would seem that possum babies are fairly resilient...we've seen this one fall from the top of a large tree onto concrete and be stepped on by his Mum when she got a fright and ran over him to get up a tree.

Friday, February 23, 2007

My new Sony Ericsson K800i mobile it!!!

I absolutely love the 3.2 MP Sony Cybershot camera with flash on this phone! The overall functionality is great and there's no doubt it's the best phone I've ever had. Stay tuned for more pics!

P.S. The soft focus on this photo was definitely my fault and not the camera's. Kitty was hiding under the bed so it was all a bit hit and miss.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Do you need a MATCHMAKER?

Successful businesses are built on great relationships betweeen a company and its employees.

Ask yourself...have you made the right MATCH?

Contact Donna at Australian Recruiting - Melbourne Central Branch:

We partner with our clients to search for, attract, screen and appoint exceptional people more effectively.