Saturday, April 28, 2007

Getting skinnier by the day!

I bet the suspense is just killing you...what was the final weight loss for the week? I know, I know, it's keeping you awake at night and you just can't concentrate at work...

So time for the big reveal! Bit of an anti-climax really as although it was an absolutely FANTASTIC result, the official weigh in on Friday morning hadn't changed from the day before. Which means a whopping 1.5kg loss for the week, bringing me from a start weight of 75.7 down to 74.2. Woo Hoo!!

You could have knocked me over with a feather when I weighed myself this morning...another .3kg GONE!!! I'm now at 73.9 and I'm so incredibly happy with the results :-)

Lite N Easy really is so simple as there is very little to think about. You just eat what they give you and that's about it. The biggest challenge for me is that I'm a real night owl and I'm often up reading resumes and sending emails for my recruitment business well after midnight. Of course, that means that I tend to get really hungry as dinner may have been 4 or 5 hours earlier. I've realised now that I need to keep something aside for just before bed because I just can't sleep when I have a growling, hungry stomach. That may be why I'm a bit too hungry during the day as I have to space the food out to last me until late at night.

Being a little hungry hasn't been too unbearable but it does mess with my head a bit, particularly now that I'm on the second week. Today I feel like I want to rush out and buy some KFC and scoff down some chocolate!! The thing about Lite and Easy though is that you can't trick yourself. In the past I would have had some chocolate or M&Ms and convinced myself that I was still within the calorie limit for the day. Now I know that if I eat anything other than what has been provided to me, I am definitely over the 1500 calorie limit, so there's no way I can kid myself into thinking that I can eat extra food.

My sister and Dad will be in Melbourne tomorrow so that we can go out for lunch for her 30th birthday. I'm a little nervous as it will require a meal off the Lite N Easy program and I will have to adjust the rest of the day to accommodate for the extra food. I've decided to just have the Lite N Easy scheduled lunch for dinner and keep the extra frozen dinner for some other time, which should minimise the calorie impact. And I will definitely be trying to pick the healthiest thing on the menu, even though I would rather a big plate of chips!

I'll let you know how it goes..there may well be a battle of epic proportions raging in my head tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Hope you "survived" lunch!

Lite'n'easy is a great programme. I used it a couple of years ago & lost around 10 kgs (of course some of it's snuck back on since).

Congrats on the progress so far!

crazykarmakitty said...

Thanks for the support! It certainly is appreciated.

Funny how the weight sneaks on so easily but is not so easy to move once it's there. Somehow it doesn't quite seem fair, does it?