Friday, June 01, 2007

Another Lite N Easy Update

Today I started Week 7 on Lite N Easy. It's hard to believe that it has been six full weeks so far. I'm definitely in a routine, which to be honest can be both good and bad. The routine can definitely create boredom however it also keeps everything pretty simple. I'm still loving the dinners and the Sweet Beef Curry, Satay Chicken, Oriental Beef and Beef Stroganoff are some of my favorites.

So how much have I lost? Certainly not as much as I would have hoped, but still a very respectable 3.2kg as of this morning's weigh in. Given that I have not done any exercise at all during that time, it really is a good result. The weight loss has certainly slowed down though, with a loss of only 200grams this week. I really need to get out and exercise but it is so dark and cold by the end of the working day that walking really isn't an option. Might be time to consider using a gym.

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