Friday, May 04, 2007

Two weeks in and still going strong!

In fact, today is the start of Week 3 on Lite N Easy and yes, I'm still going strong. Total weight loss as of this morning was 2.1kg! Not bad for two weeks. That brings me down from 75.7kg to 73.6kg.

I find that I start to feel better physically from about 72kg. Anything under that and I start to have more energy and I'm less tired. My clothes fit better and I feel better about myself overall. It's also a bit of a danger point though for exactly the same reasons. It's easier to lose motivation when you don't feel quite so bad about the weight that you're carrying.

I guess that's partly why I'm so determined to stick with Lite N Easy. Even if I start to lose motivation, the boundaries are clear...I can eat only what I am given and nothing more. There are no grey areas. There is no room to cheat. I cannot sneak some chocolate and kid myself that it really won't matter. It's black and white because either I'm on Lite N Easy or I'm not. It's too expensive to be half hearted on a delivery program of this nature.

It's been a hectic week from a work perspective so having everything prepared for me has made things so much easier. No need to think about food or what to have next...just heat and eat at the right time.

We're off to a friend's place for dinner tomorrow night so unfortunately that meal will be outside my control, but it's only one meal so it shouldn't have too much impact. I guess the proof will be in the pudding as they say ;-)

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