Thursday, June 21, 2007

Time passes so quickly!

It's hard to believe that today is the last day of Week 9 on Lite N Easy! That means another official weigh in tomorrow.

I was down to 71.5kg this morning, which means a total loss of 4.2kg since I started 9 weeks ago. I'm really pleased with the result so far and I look and feel so much healthier already. My clothes fit much better and I can look in the mirror without feeling really awful about what I see. Instead, I feel quite proud of what I have achieved so far, and excited about the prospect of finally being under 70kg soon.

I think I'll aim for about 65kg and then re-evaluate when I get close to that. Being at the bottom end of a size 12 would be fine with me. Whilst being a size 8 and 52 kg may have been fine when I was 24, at 34 I would look just too thin. In fact, if I was honest with myself, even at 24 I looked too thin at 52kg. Not to mention the amount of work and vigilance that would be required to maintain that thanks!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Business Referral Program - Receive a $150 gift card from the Australian Retailer of your choice!*

Would you like to receive a $150 Gift Card from the Australian Retailer of your choice?

For each successful referral of a business requiring staff to the Melbourne Central Branch of Australian Recruiting, you could receive a $150 Gift Card!*

* The following conditions apply:

1. The business referred must be a new client that has not dealt with Australian Recruiting previously. The referred business or the referrer must provide a letter signed by the referrer providing the name, address and contact telephone number of the person referring the business, as well as the name of the business being referred.

2. The referral must result in a candidate being placed with the referred business on a permanent full time contract for an intended period of at least 12 months.

3. The candidate must remain employed with the referred business for a minimum of three months (as per the three month guarantee period contained in the Terms of Business). In the event that the candidate leaves within this time or the position is no longer available, the gift card will not be payable.

4. Gift Cards will only be payable if the referred business pays the invoiced placement fee within 14 days of invoice as required by the signed Terms of Business.

5. Gift Cards will not be mailed to the successful referrer until a period of three months after the successful placement to ensure compliance with the above conditions has been satisfied.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

"Somewhere Over The Rainbow - Conny Talbot on Britain's Got Talent

Is this a case of "A Star Is Born"? Britain's Got Talent contestant Conny Talbot melted even the toughest judge with her angelic voice and beautiful smile.

Paul Potts sings "Nessum Dorma" on Britain's Got Talent

What an amazing voice! This one gave me chills! Watch Paul Potts sing "Nessum Dorma" on Britain's Got Talent.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Another Lite N Easy Update

Today I started Week 7 on Lite N Easy. It's hard to believe that it has been six full weeks so far. I'm definitely in a routine, which to be honest can be both good and bad. The routine can definitely create boredom however it also keeps everything pretty simple. I'm still loving the dinners and the Sweet Beef Curry, Satay Chicken, Oriental Beef and Beef Stroganoff are some of my favorites.

So how much have I lost? Certainly not as much as I would have hoped, but still a very respectable 3.2kg as of this morning's weigh in. Given that I have not done any exercise at all during that time, it really is a good result. The weight loss has certainly slowed down though, with a loss of only 200grams this week. I really need to get out and exercise but it is so dark and cold by the end of the working day that walking really isn't an option. Might be time to consider using a gym.

Today's gratitude list...

1. A great cut and color by my hairdresser in Ivanhoe. She's fantastic!!

2. More great leads from the lead generation campaign.

3. Another week on Lite N Easy completed successfully.

4. Fresh, clean sheets on my bed.

5. Time to watch my favorite TV shows. Aaahh, relaxation...