Tuesday, January 10, 2006

No Count is my new best friend!

I have to say that I'm loving this whole No Count shebang. It is so much easier than counting points and my food choices are ultimately healthier and less processed than on the Points program. I also find that I spend much less time thinking about food during the day as it's a much more natural way of eating. Don't get me wrong, the Points program definitely works, but No Count is the way to go for me at the moment.

Here's a standard day for me on No Count (today in fact!):

Breakfast: Rice Bubbles mixed with All Bran, skim milk & yoghurt, white coffee
Mid morning: Grapes
Lunch: Minestrone Soup & wholemeal roll (cafe), skim latte, diet yoghurt
Afternoon: Grapes, Nectarine
Dinner: Spaghetti with Spicy Bacon and Tomato Sauce

I haven't used any points yet but I'm thinking a single square of mint chocolate with a decaf coffee might just finish the evening nicely.

The one thing missing here is water. I've had about 400mls, which sadly is more than I usually have in a day. I just find it really hard to drink as much water as I should, but I wonder if perhaps it is impacting my weight loss. I lost only 300 grams at weigh in tonight, despite a great week on No Count. The food list above is pretty consistent with the type and amount of food I would be eating in a day, so the problem must lie elsewhere. Perhaps I should aim to drink at least 1 litre of water a day for the next week and see if it has an impact at next week's weigh in.



Tina said...

It might have been a small loss but it's all in the right direction!

crazykarmakitty said...

I have to admit that it's not...it's actually just Latina Spicy Bacon and Tomato sauce and Specialty Pasta Fresh Spaghetti, both from the chilled section of the supermarket. It is absolutely delicious and my boyfriend and I are hooked on it! We have it at least once a week and it's so quick and easy.

Have a great week!