Sunday, July 29, 2007

Dummy anyone?

I just can't sleep without my dummy, a bottle and a sipper cup!


kazy2004 said...

hello, my name is Karen. I did a google search for "light and easy blog" and you came up. I have just started today. Just could not get motivated to do it myself.You are doing a great job. I live in Mordialloc.
Chat soon maybe
Cheers Karen

crazykarmakitty said...

Hi Karen.

It was lovely of you to stop by and leave such a positive comment. I haven't been on the program for the last three weeks or so due to a trip to Qld, but I'll be back on track with my next delivery on Thursday. Please drop by my blog regularly and let me know how you are going, or leave your blog address and I will stop by your blog for a visit. All the best!