Monday, November 07, 2005

Up, up and away!!

Thankfully I'm not referring to my weight!

In just under 60 hours I'll be on a plane bound for Hong Kong once again and on my way to China. How do I know that it's 60 hours? When you're as afraid of flying as I am, you can hear every minute tick by, dragging you ever closer to your greatest fear. Tick, tock, tick, tock...

You may have noticed the free Fear of Flying course link on my blog page. This course is invaluable and I would highly recommend it to anyone afraid of flying. Not that I think I'm cured by any means, but at least now I understand that many of my fears about planes are simply unfounded. I'm hoping that once I'm on the plane, I can read the cheat sheet provided and feel at least a little more comfortable than I usually do. Here's hoping anyway!

On a lighter note (literally), I've officially lost 5.2kg and I have in my possession a 5kg bookmark. I've started to get a few comments about looking slimmer, which is certainly a boost to the ego. I have arranged for a low calorie meal on the plane (travelling business class so hopefully should still taste okay) and I'm determined to stick to healthy meals whilst I'm in China. I'm all set with some Weight Watchers Crisp Bars and some Fruities for snacking, and I will not let the buffet breakfast get the better of me. My sneakers and tracksuit pants are packed and I fully intend to use the hotel gym. The irony of course is that I can't make it 5 minutes down the road to my own gym, but I can travel to another country and walk on their treadmill. We humans are funny creatures...or is that just me?

Photos from my last trip:

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