Time passes so quickly!
It's hard to believe that today is the last day of Week 9 on Lite N Easy! That means another official weigh in tomorrow.
I was down to 71.5kg this morning, which means a total loss of 4.2kg since I started 9 weeks ago. I'm really pleased with the result so far and I look and feel so much healthier already. My clothes fit much better and I can look in the mirror without feeling really awful about what I see. Instead, I feel quite proud of what I have achieved so far, and excited about the prospect of finally being under 70kg soon.
I think I'll aim for about 65kg and then re-evaluate when I get close to that. Being at the bottom end of a size 12 would be fine with me. Whilst being a size 8 and 52 kg may have been fine when I was 24, at 34 I would look just too thin. In fact, if I was honest with myself, even at 24 I looked too thin at 52kg. Not to mention the amount of work and vigilance that would be required to maintain that weight...no thanks!!!