100 facts about me: facts 31-40
31. I love to sit outside with a hot coffee and my laptop (love wireless broadband!) or a great book and enjoy the sounds of the birds chattering away.
32. I have so many books (mainly on New Age topics, spirituality and metaphysics) that it would take 3 to 4 large bookshelves to hold them all.
33. I'm really lazy when it comes to exercise and keeping fit...and I mean REALLY lazy!
34. Being close to nature gives me a deep feeling of inner calm.
35. I love to search out and stay at beautiful country bed and breakfasts.
36. I have owned or lived with five cats in my 33 years...Diddams, Cindy, Tabby, Baby and Karma.
37. I would choose to have a cat rather than a dog, even though I love both.
38. I hate football (yes, this one has been brought on by the fact that today is the AFL Grand Final).
39. I attended Grovedale West Primary School and Belmont High School.
40. I drive a cherry red Mazda 3 SP23 and I absolutely adore my car.